A conversational AI platform to automate your inbound and outbound calls, analyze interactions, manage higher call volume and improve your NPS.

Conversational IVR

What do we do?

Automate inbound calls
with AI

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Automate repetitive, transactional inbound call types with an intuitive, dynamic, human-like experience.

Execute intelligent outbound campaigns

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Deliver automated, efficient outbound programs, eliminating unproductive calls to reach 1000s of customers in minutes.

Measure CX

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Assess 100% of interactions for sentiments, compliance, and resolution to build holistic understanding of CX performance and improvement opportunities.

The Avaamo difference

A Voice AI Experience that will leave you speechless

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Select a prebuilt voice profile or create your own custom voice with the ability to configure cadence, tone, and pauses for an almost human experience. Our voice AI supports over 36 languages, dialects and accents.

Experiences tailored to the one in a million

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Instantly deliver relevant hyper-personalized experiences by responding to unique context and intent. Personalize interactions to improve conversions, customer satisfaction, and content discovery.

Handle 1000’s of calls, simultaneously

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Manage more with less. Scale up your contact center rapidly without sacrificing quality leveraging Avaamo’s proven conversational AI delivery methodology.

Interoperability delivered
with ease

Connect and go. No developer time needed.

We plug into your existing voice infrastructure. With multiple integration options via SIP, vXML, PSTN, no developer time is needed. Our AI is proven, battle-tested, and ready to immediately go to work.


Avaamo Contact Center AI


Reduction in live agent calls


Contact center calls resolved in 2020


Our COVID Appointment Scheduler services 40 million patients


Increase in NPS


Live Agent Solutions

Tailor-made live agent software, designed to meet the unique needs of HR and Healthcare.

Want to improve your contact center with AI that talks, understands and interacts?

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Customer self-service with zero waiting

Identify the call drivers and sentiments and determines the user intent to route interactions to the agents most likely to resolve users’ questions.

Avaamo Inbound Call Center AI solution allows callers to converse naturally to resolve queries quickly without having to navigate long and complicated audio menus.

Inbound Contact Center AI

Learn more about how Avaamo’s inbound AI can help your contact center.

Inbound AI capabilities

Speak naturally,
skip the menus

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Resolve queries quickly without having callers navigate long and complicated audio menus, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

  • Zero wait times. No more IVR menus.
  • Handle 1000s of calls, simultaneously.
  • Omni channel via chat or voice.

natural conversations

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Engage users through enhanced, human‑like conversation understanding nuance and intent behind the questions, not just the words.

  • Use natural language.
  • Supports over 36 languages and dialects.
  • Select a pre-built or custom voice.

Intelligent routing
in real time

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  • Route interactions to relevant agent.
  • Identifies call drivers and sentiment.
  • Detect patterns and predict outcomes


Appointment Scheduling for Healthcare

See how Avaamo’s Contact Center AI understands a patient’s intent and immediately provides personalized assistance.

Want to modernize your contact center with AI? Let’s talk.

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100X agent productivity through intelligent automated outreach

Stop making robocalls. Design bi-directional outreach campaigns that pro-actively engage with your customers to complete tasks and handle requests.

Outbound Contact Center AI

Learn more about how Avaamo’s outbound solutions can help your contact center.

Outbound AI capabilities

Intelligent outreach campaigns with AI

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Reach 1000’s of your customers in minutes — no agents required –to communicate updates, outages, vaccination schedules, and appointment reminders; customers can respond to complete actions or request for callbacks.

Dynamic, contextual user journeys

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Deliver interactions where context travels with the customer — no matter where the conversation begins or ends across channels — eliminating disjointed conversations to improve conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Scale agent performance with AI

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Filter out unproductive calls — voicemails, busy signals, and disconnected numbers — and accurately matches customer requests the appropriate agent to maximize agent productivity. Our proprietary ASR + NLU engine.


Vaccine Scheduling for Healthcare

See how Avaamo’s Contact Center AI pro-actively calls and engages with patients to schedule a vaccination appointment.

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Practical insights for transformative results

Turn your conversations into business intelligence through analytics and reporting that uncover key call drivers and customer sentiment and help improve call outcomes.

CX performance

Learn more about what Avaamo’s CX Performance can do for your contact center.

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Visualize Conversations

Automated and agent conversations,
all in one place!

Customers have conversations across various channels: messaging, live chat, smart speakers, and voice. The Avaamo Contact Center AI is able to identify these interactions and make them actionable such as missed buying signals, poor customer service, key call drivers, requirements for new service, or non-regulatory compliance.

Visualize Conversations
Optimized User Journey
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Optimized User Journey

Track customer journeys across channels

Understanding the intent behind every call and interaction is the key to optimizing your CX performance. With the Avaamo Contact Center AI all interactions are classified based intent, channel, language, sentiment, and accuracy. Whether the user started the journey on your website and completed it on the phone – the entire interaction is tracked and available in one place.


Compliance Reporting
and Redaction

Conversational insights without exposure

Automate compliance measures such as compliance-ready verbiage, quality monitoring to tag violations, and intelligent PCI/PII redaction to ensure you gain insights without exposing private customer information. Avaamo’s sophisticated redaction algorithms accurately identify and remove sensitive numeric data, replacing it with redacted text and with a silence block in call audio.

Compliance Reporting
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Integration with BI tools

Stream data securely to your current BI apps

Our out-of-box integration with BI tools such as Tableau, Power BI, Qlik Sense, Cognos helps turn millions of conversations into business analytics reports in matter of minutes.

Explore our Conversational AI Solutions

Want to improve your contact center with AI that talks, understands and interacts?