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It’s time to make Zero Call Waiting (ZCW) a norm – modernizing Contact Center with AI

Customers’ expectations are rising – they demand faster, simpler issue resolutions, expect brands to know their needs, and proactively reach out to resolve the issues. While digital channels such as web, mobile, chat have made it easier to self-serve, call volumes remain high given phone remains a critical channel for customer support and escalation. The need for increased self-service and automation within contact centers has never been more obvious than in the last 12 months. Businesses witnessed an exponential rise and sharper spikes in call volumes across geographies and industries, significantly impacting contact center KPIs.


  • 60 secs Average speed to answer as customers wait in the queue
  • 70% Average call abandonment rate due to delay in speaking to live agent

In the age of Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa, the contact center is getting left behind on self-service innovation.


As contact centers struggled with new remote working arrangements and got overwhelmed by the sheer volume of customer calls and messages in last 15 months, contact center automation has become the key. Traditional, contact center automation such as IVR are outdated and have several gaps – limited input mechanism, mechanized flow to query resolution, irrelevant long menus – which means only way to achieve call resolution is by connecting to a live agent after a long wait, leading to customer frustration and negative experience.


51% of customers will never do business with that company again, after one negative experience

Source: NewVoiceMedia research

With focus shifting to customer experience, it is not enough for contact centers to focus on operational improvements alone. Contact centers are in desperate need to upgrade and employ digital agents which are integrated into the workflows and systems used by human agents to optimize operations and improve customer experience.


Avaamo’s Contact Center AI

We are very excited to launch our Contact Center AI solutions that is a result of years working closely with large enterprise customers and their contact center in automating the last mile of conversations with their customers and employees. Our focus remains on enabling enterprises to create a single self-service infrastructure to automate and transform the entire CX experience across IVR, web, messaging, chat, mobile and smart home devices.


Servicing Inbound Calls
Avaamo’s Inbound Call solution eliminates navigating dated IVR menus and allows a caller to converse naturally to get the service they want with zero waiting. Avaamo’s Contact Center AI technology initiates a natural, intuitive, dynamic, interaction that greets the customers, identifies problems, initiates a multi-turn, judgement-intensive response and improves First Call Resolution.


Automating Outbound Calls
Avaamo outbound call calling features the industry’s most advanced Contact center AI voice offering. The ability to scale by reaching out to 1000s of customers in minutes, with automated filtering of voicemail, busy signals and disconnected numbers increases efficiency for outbound calling programs and reduces overall inbound call volume.


CX Performance
For the first time, Contact Center managers can have a single view of all the customer interactions, across all channels – automated and assisted. Avaamo CX performance solution captures each and every customer interaction across live agents and virtual assistants on voice, chat, or messaging in a single pane of glass.


Check out the press release for more details

Sriram Chakravarthy, CTO & Co-founder