hero analysts spoken

The Analysts Have Spoken – Avaamo is the Category Leader

With more than 200 vendors in the Conversational AI space and a new one being added each week it been increasingly difficult to parse through the claims, counter claims and hype. Industry analysts do offer one method to cut through the clutter. Even though each analyst tends to look at product capabilities and its applicability from a different lens; I believe that Avaamo’s consistent recognition as a category leader  reflects several key decisions we made to offer a broad platform that provides value to our customers.

1. A NLU engine that understands the customers “language”

We realized that using generic NLP engines that offer off the shelf generic language understanding capabilities just would not work. Industry language , terms, acronyms play a big part in ensuring the accruiacy of understanding a conversations. For ex: a Plan in the insurance business has a very different connotation that a mobile plan in the telco business. Our decision not to take easy way and depend on available NLP toolkits was a tough choice. We persisted in and building our own robust NLU layer from scratch using industry or region specific datasets. With multiple patents including how we achieve high levels of recall with sparse data has been critical to provide for a high level of accuracy and relevancy for industry and region specific use cases for our large enterprise customers who deployed globally.
Avaamo has developed very strong natural language processing capabilities as well as speech recognition capabilities across a variety of text- and voice-based channels.
–IDC 2021 MarketScape® for worldwide Conversational AI platforms
The platform comes with large libraries of pre-built intents for various industries as such as BFSI, healthcare, retail, and telecom, as well as process areas such as IT helpdesk, HR support, and customer support.
–Everest Group Conversational AI Products PEAK Matrix® 2021

2. Offering Both Choices: Low/No Code Tooling and Developer Tooling:

Conversational AI products have usually made a choice. Offer low code/ no code: hide the complexity offer a wizard for non technical teams or offer a developer toolset to build applications. It has become an either/OR landscape. We chose to offer both. …we created a platform that allows users – start simple with our rich set of tools but also allows the developers to go deeper to build their custom ML models and Machine learning capabilities that can be used outside of the Conversational AI projects. With thousands of pieces of feedback from customers at this time, we have achieved the dichotomy- addressing the needs of both sets of potential users.
In addition to its own developer and low-code tools, Avaamo also offers a 'skill' store where customers can choose from thousands of prebuilt skills provided by Avaamo and its partners.
–IDC 2021 MarketScape® for worldwide Conversational AI platforms
Is best for those that need a mature chatbot for a complex environment. With complex environment integrations, strong language support, and high development requirements, Avaamo is best suited for large enterprises looking to automate IT workloads and more.
–The Forrester New Wave™: Chatbots For IT Operations, Q4 2020
Advanced Tooling for developers and business users to fine tune, personalize and manage the designed AI conversations.
–Research in Action Vendor Selection Matrix™ 2020

3. Language Matters

We realized that for conversational AI to be deployed globally we have to deliver a multi-lingual experience across multiple vectors.
We support 114 languages, dialects and even hybrid language lije Spanglish and Hinglish which form the backbone of 21st century conversations. Dialects means supporting German, Swiss German and French German sperately. Its not just enough to “support” but it needs to be simple to train and reuse across the languages. See my earlier post on this topic Your Language or Mine.
Has robust language and integration capabilities. avaamo boasts strong language learning and integration capabilities, supporting multiple languages.
–The Forrester New Wave™: Chatbots For IT Operations, Q4 2020

4. Re-use is a Key for Time-to-Value

Artifical intelligence is different from conventional applications. Building workflows, intents, training data sets from scratch tome-after-time was going to cost time and money and a reason majority of conversational projects tend to be overbudget and blow through time lines.
We pioneered the concept of Enterprise skills to enable re-use of intents, associated training data, entities, integration and conversational intelligence across various virtual agents and. These conversational Ai templates or “skills” as we call them allow customers to use prebuilt templates to drastically simplify the time it takes to build intelligent virtual agents
The platform comes with large libraries of pre-built intents for various industries as such as BFSI, healthcare, retail, and telecom, as well as process areas such as IT helpdesk, HR support, and customer support.
–Everest Group Conversational AI Products PEAK Matrix® 2021
In addition to its own developer and low-code tools, Avaamo also offers a 'skill' store where customers can choose from thousands of prebuilt skills provided by Avaamo and its partners.
–IDC 2021 MarketScape® for worldwide Conversational AI platforms


These decisions can only be validated by value we bring our customers. With 150+ enterprises adopting the Avaamo platform, we see unprecedented adoption across 50+ countries and 114 languages and over 3 Billion interactions each year, we belive we have just begun. Customer validations as communicated to industry analyst is the proverbial cherry on the top of the decision we have made on the platform for the last 4 years.
Avaamo’s customers are very impressed with the solution. Avaamo’s customers have seen significant automation benefits from adoption (one saw 90% deflection), and are expanding to new use cases.
–The Forrester New Wave™: Chatbots For IT Operations, Q4 2020
Avaamo is the most scalable enterprise class conversational AI automation stack.
–Research in Action Vendor Selection Matrix™ 2020

Sriram Chakravarthy, CTO & Co-founder